The Silverton

Dick Whittington And His Cat set for Greenwich Theatre panto run

Anthony Spargo returns as writer and villain with a twisted tale of golden fortune in south-east London

Anthony Spargo returns to Greenwich Theatre as writer and villain in its annual pantomime – Dick Whittington And His Cat
Anthony Spargo returns to Greenwich Theatre as writer and villain in its annual pantomime

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Even before his final, rousing performance as the Evil Queen last Christmas, Anthony Spargo had begun grappling with Dick.

The veteran villain will, this year, be in his 11th season as the baddie at Greenwich Theatre’s annual pantomime, having also taken over writing the shows in 2022.    

It’s a daunting task, with work beginning on the panto of Christmas future even before the curtain has fallen on the current offering.

“I was writing bits and coming up with ideas for Dick Whittington And His Cat, while we were doing Snow White in 2023,” said Anthony.

“What’s great about that is you’re in the right mindset and the physical space – you can start thinking about what we might do with next year’s story and then ideas spring to mind.

“Uncle Steve is in the dressing room with me and, between shows, we’re able to discuss those ideas and start work.”

Steve Markwick (the aforementioned ‘Uncle’) has been musical director for the annual pantos for the past 19 years and returns, alongside artistic director James Haddrell who, well, directs.

“Every year, the three of us sit down for a tete-a-tete and go through which pantos we’d like to do,” said Anthony.

“I’m already thinking tentatively about what we might do in 2025 and we haven’t even started this one.

“I just love it – creating the shows from the beginning. It’s great fun and it beats working for a living or doing a proper job.

“We get to escape into it for two or three months every year. It’s knackering, but it’s so enjoyable.

“We all have to look after each other and it becomes like a family.

“Acting in one of the longest festive runs does take a physical and mental toll.

“We have to make sure we take our vitamins, not have too many drinks and get our sleep.

“But you get into a routine and it’s lovely.”

Anthony as the Evil Queen in Snow White – this year he'll be King Rat in Dick Whittington And His Cat
Anthony as the Evil Queen in Snow White – this year he’ll be King Rat in Dick Whittington And His Cat

a twist on Dick Whittington And His Cat

While Anthony – who plays supervillain King Rat in the show – is remaining traditionally tight-lipped, audiences can expect a “mind-blowing” cliff hanger at the end of act one that takes the show in a completely different direction in the second half.

“When you start writing a panto, there’s the moral – what it teaches us and all that,” he said.

“Dick Whittington is a rags-to-riches story. Our hero comes to London with his cat to seek his fortune, because he’s penniless.

“Usually things go well and, after a bit of an adventure, he does do well.

“But I’ve always thought that telling kids everything will be OK if you can become rich and famous, isn’t quite right.

“So, I’ve mixed things up a bit.

“Act One is traditional, setting up all the characters and, while Dick does come to London to seek his fame and fortune, he realises that’s not the most important thing in life. It’s friendship and love.

“A person with a handful of friends is rich indeed.

“Instead, in our show, it’s King Rat who goes on the journey to find fame and fortune, but discovers it doesn’t really lead him anywhere – we’ve inverted things a bit.

“It wouldn’t be a Greenwich panto without a twist – last year it was the Seven Dwarves using a B-52 Bomber to melt the Evil Queen’s ice palace with salt from their mine.

“No-one remembers that from the original story.

“Fortunately, James is really cool and when I ask him whether we can do things that are weird and whacky, he usually says: ‘Great, we should do it.’.

“The audiences we get are amazing because no matter how mad we thought it might be when we’re making the show, they go with it, revel in it and that’s just so lovely.

“That gives you so much confidence to be silly and stupid.”

Louise Cielecki, seen here as Mutley in Robin Hood at Greenwich Theatre, will also be in the cast
Louise Cielecki, seen here as Mutley in Robin Hood at Greenwich Theatre, will also be in the cast

familiar faces returning

Anthony has also relished writing for some familiar faces, who will return to Greenwich’s stage for the production.

“One of the characters is Tommie The Cat, who’s played by Inés Ruiz, fresh from her role in Beauty And The Beast at the theatre over the summer,” said Anthony.

“She’s Spanish and, while it wasn’t my original intention to have that as the character’s nationality, we’ve incorporated it.

“So now Tommie is Spanish, she’s got castanets and it adds another level to things.

“Louise Cielecki is also back as King Rat’s sidekick Muffy Mouse.

“I know her well now, as she played jester Muddles in Snow White and Mutley in Robin Hood, and it’s lovely to write when you can hear the words in an actor’s voice.

“I’m really looking forward to working with her again. 

“I’m also looking forward to my scenes with the dame.

“I can’t tell you the name of the character because it would give too much of what we’re doing today, but we’ve cast a guy called Phil Yarrow in the part, who Uncle Steve knew from another production.

“He’s really good – an affable guy – and, rather than feeling the need to do a stand-up routine in the audition, he was all about the script and the character.

“That fits perfectly with what we do here – first and foremost we’re about story. King Rat has quite a few scenes with him and I’m really looking forward to those too. 

“It’s such an intense thing to do, it’s important that we all get on whether it’s the musicians, the cast or the crew. 

“Having had such a weird time over the Covid years when we had to pull back on set design and the cast, it’s wonderful to properly be back, following on from last year.

“We’ll be having the revolving stage back again, which we had last year – and that helps really make the show.

“We always get a lovely response from the audience and that was especially true last year for Snow White.

“As for next year, I can’t reveal which show we’ll be doing but we’ve been talking about Peter Pan.

“I’d also love to have a go at Jack And The Beanstalk, which would be great fun and nothing is set in stone.

“Until then, I can’t wait to take on King Rat.” 

Anthony Spargo as the Sheriff Of Nottingham in Robin Hood
Anthony Spargo as the Sheriff Of Nottingham in Robin Hood

key details: Dick Whittington And His Cat

Dick Whittington And His Cat is set to run at Greenwich Theatre from November 22, 2024, until January 5, 2025.

Matinee and evening performances are available. 

Tickets start at £15.50 with restricted view. Standard tickets start at £32.

Find out more about the production or book tickets here

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- Jon Massey is co-founder and editorial director of Wharf Life and writes about a wide range of subjects in Canary Wharf, Docklands and east London - contact via
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