Our Urban Oasis draws on Hidden Gems to foster creativity

Photographer, designer and entrepreneur Steve Nyman has brought his talents together in Royal Docks spaces beside Tate & Lyle

Our Urban Oasis is located in Royal Docks at The Factory Project opposite Tate & Lyle
Our Urban Oasis is located in Royal Docks at The Factory Project opposite Tate & Lyle

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Venture to the banks of the Thames in Royal Docks and, on a patch of land close to Tate & Lyle’s North Woolwich factory, you’ll find a small forest of logs and tree stumps arranged behind a shipping container.

But this collection of offcuts isn’t a pile of unwanted timber, dumped by an unscrupulous tree surgeon.

It’s the raw material from which two interrelated businesses have emerged.

Steve Nyman knows the power of an image.

Bitten early by the photography bug he was “obsessed with the camera” as a schoolboy, turning that passion into a successful shooting career in the fashion sector that’s taken him all over the world working with models and brands.

However, there was also an underlying desire to explore creativity beyond the lens.

“During the pandemic, I was just sitting there and thinking,” he said.

“I’d always been good at sourcing locations – I guess I’ve got a sense for an aesthetic and an eye for design.

“I love nature and it was on a trip to Thailand that I found inspiration.

“There was this piece of driftwood on a beach that just looked like a coffee table – I wanted to take it home and regretted leaving it behind, although I did bring back an amazing shell.

“I thought that if I could find these kinds of pieces of wood and work with them in England, then that’s what I’d like to do. 

Steve Nyman of Our Urban Oasis and Hidden Gems Design, surrounded by the raw material he works with
Steve Nyman of Our Urban Oasis and Hidden Gems Design, surrounded by the raw material he works with

“By chance, I met a guy with a woodworking shop at Thames-Side Studios in Woolwich where I was based.

“I approached him with some of my ideas and designs, started working in his workshop and learnt a lot from him as he turned them into a reality.

“That’s how Hidden Gems Design was born.

“We use pieces of natural wood that would otherwise be burnt or end up in the chipper to create pieces of furniture and sculptures.

“We reclaim them from tree surgeons and give them a new lease of life.

“It’s very sustainable because we’re saving this material from going to waste.

“If it wasn’t for someone making something out of a fallen tree, it would be burned.”

The furniture at Our Urban Oasis comes from Hidden Gems Design
The furniture at Our Urban Oasis comes from Hidden Gems Design

creating Our Urban Oasis

Hidden Gems took off, with Steve’s work in demand from interior designers and a stream of direct commissions, but things haven’t ended there.

In tandem with his furniture business, he’s created a fresh, innovative venture in Royal Docks that’s also proving a hit with clients.

“I live locally and I was scouting around with the idea of opening a photography studio,” said Steve, who also makes ceramic pieces.

“I used to store my wood at The Silver Building which is also owned by Projekt and space at The Factory Project came up so I took it on and opened Our Urban Oasis.

“I now have two photography studio spaces that I hire out and my workshop is also here, so it’s really convenient.”

Both studios are on two levels and, in contrast to the typical blank canvas approach of many providers, Steve has kitted them out with a wide selection of pieces from Hidden Gems that clients are free to incorporate into their photoshoots, videos or other creative works.

Steve has filled his studios with furniture and sculptural pieces mostly made from natural wood
Steve has filled his studios with furniture and sculptural pieces mostly made from natural wood

Visitors can even buy the pieces on display, should they so wish.

“A lot of these studio spaces tend to copy each other, but I trust my own tastes,” said Steve.

“I think that if I like it, then there will be other people that do too.

“It’s satisfying to see people enjoying it and we’re very popular. I think people hire the spaces because they want something different.

“I hope they find the furniture and decor inspiring – some of the walls are natural clay.

“It’s a creative space where people can come and it’s organic, they can use it for whatever they want. 

“It can be a film set, a place to record podcasts, video content or to do fashion shoots. Everything can be moved around and we have plain backgrounds too so it can be used for e-commerce. 

“There’s a kind of zen feeling about it, so I get a lot of people involved in the wellbeing sector using it.”

Steve’s pieces from Hidden Gems fill the space, with everything from sofas and chairs to dining tables and tree stumps on wheels available as props. 

“A lot of them feature live edge work – where the bark has just come off and the wood has a natural shape to it,” he said.

“Each piece is truly unique. I could make a new version of a piece we’ve already done, but it will never be exactly the same because the wood will be different.

“I always get surprises with the timber we work with because, until you get it inside the workshop and start to cut it and work with it, you don’t know what it will be like.

“We’ll plane a piece down and it’ll be: ‘Wow, look at that,’ and there’s the inspiration.”

Our Urban Oasis' spaces are available for a wide variety of uses
Our Urban Oasis’ spaces are available for a wide variety of uses

providing flexible spaces

Our Urban Oasis enjoys a varied array of clients with people finding all kinds of uses for the space. 

“It’s such a mixture,” said Steve.

“We’ve had celebrities here doing shoots for magazines and we get big fashion brands as well. It’s really surprising.

“We get plenty of natural light and there’s a real summer vibe when the sun is streaming through the window.

“The building itself is very secure and I think people sometimes wonder what they’re coming into when they arrive at the gates because of The Factory Project’s industrial history, but it also means we’re nice and quiet.”

That’s likely to be of special benefit for Our Urban Oasis’ forthcoming evening of Candlelit Yin Yoga And Sound Bath.

The event is set to take place on December 7 from 4pm to 6pm and will be led by Yoga and Pilates teacher Suzan Altay. 

Tickets for the event, which include home made muffins and herbal tea, cost £40 per person and are available online via this link.

Fitting for the flexibility of the space, that this event offers a fresh dimension to the possibilities amid Steve’s sculptural creations.

key details: Our Urban Oasis

Our Urban Oasis offers a range of studio spaces at The Factory Project in Royal Docks, decorated with pieces from Hidden Gems Design.

Steve’s pieces are also available to purchase online and he remains available for interior commissions

Find out more about the studio spaces here

Read more: How Mike Joslin’s Bombe uses tech to help companies understand customers

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- Jon Massey is co-founder and editorial director of Wharf Life and writes about a wide range of subjects in Canary Wharf, Docklands and east London - contact via jon.massey@wharf-life.com
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Canning Town: How Husk is turning on the craft beer taps in Docklands

Royal Docks brewery expands with Brunel Street Works taproom and new site at The Factory Project

Husk has opened a new taproom in Canning Town – image Matt Grayson

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Power is the thing on the mind of Christiaan Van Der Vyver.

The co-owner of Husk Brewing Ltd is a laid back, jovial man, but there’s at least mild frustration that he’s currently unable to make beer. 

Formerly located in a unit under the Silvertown Way flyover, the business has had a challenging few years.

Founded in Royal Docks in 2015, it built a passionate local following and had upgraded its taproom with a mezzanine and permanent food offering just in time for the pandemic to shut everything down.

Then the spur of North Woolwich Road outside its door was closed for work on the Silvertown Tunnel, shutting off crucial footfall and custom from passing cyclists. 

“We thought it would just be for one year and we could have survived that – but it turned out it was six and then the location didn’t make sense any more,” said Christiaan, who runs the business with his wife Marta. 

Then some good fortune.

The couple were increasingly sceptical about full relocation to The Factory Project because of its comparatively remote location on the Tate & Lyle site in North Woolwich.

However, the scheme’s CEO, Nick Hartwright, revealed he’d taken on commercial spaces at Brunel Street Works right next to Canning Town station. 

It was settled. The brewery would open at The Factory Project and supply a new taproom on a bustling street in a densely populated location.

Christiaan Van Der Vyver runs Husk with is wife Marta – image Matt Grayson

A few weeks ago, Husk opened its new taproom at the location and is very much looking to the future. 

The only catch so far is that, until the National Grid hooks up a high voltage power supply, the brewery can’t make any beer, so it’s currently having to buy in kegs from elsewhere.

Delays notwithstanding, though, the early signs are very positive and there’s a lot more to come. 

“There have been a lot of delays – but in the end we love the new taproom,” said Christiaan.

“It’s a big, open space and we’re running it at the moment as a 40-seater while we build up a bigger team.

“Then we can bring that up to 70 seats. 

“We’ve got regulars coming almost every day and we have people who have followed us from our previous location.

“We’ve always been a community-minded business and we’ve got to know everybody in the area.

“There are some amazing people here, very diverse – we attract a really mixed crowd from people in their 20s to their 70s.

“We love this community and it’s interesting to see how it’s growing and changing. When I first came here, none of these residential buildings existed.

“It was just dilapidated old warehouses. It’s been transformed – it seems like it takes only a year to build a tower these days.”

Husk serves up pints of craft beer, burgers and fries – image Matt Grayson

With the neighbouring Brunel Street Works marketing suite set to be removed, Husk will have the opportunity to expand into landscaped outdoor space with plans for an American-style smoker.

It’s also expected that TfL will open an access point to Canning Town station that’s practically at the venue’s back door, ensuring even greater footfall. 

For now, though, the focus is on serving up pints, with Marta heading operations in the kitchen to produce sustaining burgers and portions of fries, both with a multitude of toppings.

 “We make great beer but we also wanted to do food,” said Christiaan, who came to the UK from South Africa in 1996 and used to run a nightclub and late night restaurant in South Kensington.

“We wanted to offer something that complements beer, and burgers are a perfect choice for that.

“We buy all our meat from small producers who rear rare breeds of British cows, which are allowed to graze naturally.

“For our patties, we mix in 5% bone marrow to help intensify the flavour of the meat and the juiciness.

“We can run at a lower profit margin, making sure the prices are reasonable by subsidising our sales with what we make on the beer.”

While Husk is currently buying in tipples from other craft producers, Christiaan can’t wait to get making the stuff again, having acquired extra capacity from the demise of Three Sods Brewery in Hackney.

The taproom is very much a temple to its creations, with mascots of beers such as Dock Life Pale Ale, Lockdown Sour and Delivery Tax Saison adorning its windows.

Independent brewers have had a tough time lately, with Brexit and a changing marketplace seeing many close their doors.

That taproom will have a capacity of about 70 seated – image Matt Grayson

With strong demand at the new site, however, Christiaan is optimistic. 

“The whole market has changed, but making sure you’re the right size has always been a tricky one,” he said.

“Before, they used to say that you should get as big as you can, but the problem is that if you get a 10 or 20 barrel brewery, you would need to shift 200 kegs just from one batch of one beer.

“If you’re selling to craft pubs, then they want a range, so they’ll only take a couple of kegs of one beer.

“If you’re smaller, like us, you can brew more styles and it’s easier to sell the product.

“It’s also a problem if you’re selling to mainstream pubs because many are tied to breweries.

“If they’re worried about their targets, then they will close their lines to smaller producers to ensure they hit their targets for their two-year contracts.  

“These days you have to have a taproom to survive and then it becomes about how many sites you can open.

“When we’re up and running at The Factory Project, we’ll be able to produce 8,000 pints a week, so then we’ll start looking for a site for another taproom.

“That’s really what we want to do.

“We’d love that to be close by because we live in Britannia Village in Royal Docks and I love that I can cycle to work.”

With craft beer breweries increasingly being swallowed up by big business – think Beavertown, Meantime and Camden – it’s refreshing to find one that’s making it work in east London.

  • Husk is currently on the lookout for staff, including chefs for its taproom in Canning Town.

Contact details are available on the brand’s website. 

The venue also boasts a fine selection of board games

Read more: Sign up for the Santa Stair Climb at One Canada Square

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- Jon Massey is co-founder and editorial director of Wharf Life and writes about a wide range of subjects in Canary Wharf, Docklands and east London - contact via jon.massey@wharf-life.com
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Royal Docks: How Breadmeister grinds hard to produce its selection of baked goods

Based at The Factory, the firm makes sourdough loaves and sweet pastries beside Tate & Lyle

Jon Wong, owner and baker at Breadmeister – image Matt Grayson

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Near the end of our interview, Jon Wong throws me a curveball.

I’ve been enjoying the wholesome tale of how he rose to become Royal Dock’s premier bread maker.

A former fine-dining chef, he turned to sourdough during lockdown, making it from his microbakery using bags of pesticide-free flour, a heap of culinary talent and a pinch of his Chinese heritage.

He sells his bread in person from The Factory – a scheme by Projekt to regenerate a disused Tate & Lyle warehouse in Royal Docks.

It all sounds very hearty. But then I ask why he named the business Breadmeister?

“It came from American Pie’s Stifmeister,” said Jon. “He’s sort of awful, but I wanted something playful, and it kind of matches me because I like to try new things and push the envelope.”

Jon is referring to the fact that alongside traditional loaves he also sells a range of sourdough croissants, pastries and Hong Kong buns inspired by his childhood. 

Unlike the business’ brash and flippant namesake, everything Jon does is the result of hours of care and hard graft.

“If there’s one word to describe what I do it’s ‘different’ because it’s all from scratch,” he said.

“Making stuff good enough to sell takes a lot of time and effort. 

“You can push the starter all the way to be really tangy and sour or hold back for a more delicate flavour.

“Everything comes with fine tuning – you won’t find this on the supermarket shelf.”

All this takes an exorbitant amount of energy, with Jon up at dawn, baking until 10am and then starting the next day’s batch.

“The dough has to be done a day before, sometimes even more, and it is quite intense,” he said.

“If I just made bread it might be easier, but as good as your loaves might be, you can only sell them for maybe £5 each. 

“So for the business to work I have to have the pastries as well and they do take a lot of extra time and care.

“Now in the new premises, I have started doing simple lunches like toasties. It all adds up.”

Jon now offers simple lunches – image Matt Grayson

He moved the business from The Silver Building to The Factory Project last year and his bakery is open Friday 8am to 5pm and Saturday 7.30am to noon with customers able to pre-order items for collection. 

He also has a stall at the street food market near the Good Hotel in Royal Victoria Docks every Saturday and has recently launched on Deliveroo on Saturdays from 7.30am to 11.30am.

He turned his oven off over Christmas but not to rest. Instead, he took a part-time job stacking shelves to support his income and is considering outside help to keep things going.

“I have invested all my savings and sacrificed my small salary for the last 18 months to bring Breadmeister to life,” he said.

“Hopefully I will be able to gain some support via crowdfunding to help the business move to the next level.”

So why choose sourdough if it is such a slog? It sort of happened by accident.

Growing up in Hong Kong, Jon loved cooking but became an English teacher.

When he got fed up with that, he moved to the UK in his 20s to make a change.

“When I came over it felt like I didn’t have the same burden,” said the 35-year-old. “You can be anyone here and no-one is going to say: ‘Jon you are not allowed’. 

“No-one is will judge you, so you can decide who the person you want to be is and what you want to look like.

“Everything is open, which is quite different from where I grew up.

“There you had to do things in certain ways because of the Asian expectation thing. People prioritise white-collar jobs.”

He was free to fully embrace his love of cooking, landing a job in French fine dining restaurant Les 110 de Taillevent in Cavendish Square, learning top techniques and having his first taste of sourdough.

“I remember the holes,” he said. “Supermarket bread is always uniform, but sourdough is like a weird sponge.

“When you bite into it, it has more of a chew and is somehow more flavourful. I felt it was almost otherworldly.”

Ready for the oven at The Factory Project – image Matt Grayson

He started baking bread to save money – with an eye on making it for his own restaurant someday. 

But when lockdown hit, along with many others in the hospitality industry, he found himself suddenly unemployed and looking to earn a living from home.

“I started selling bread out of a bit of desperation and boredom,” said the Canning Town resident.

“I had tried to start a food business, but it didn’t go very far because I realised I couldn’t afford to get a pitch, which was a bit depressing. I felt a bit helpless.

“I noticed other people starting to sell food from home and knew I could do that. 

“I put some ideas online but it was only when I put some bread on that I got loads of responses.

“I realised it was something people actually needed and there wasn’t anything similar nearby.”

Sales went quickly beyond his expectations and he was working six days a week, which gave him a massive lift. 

But working from his shared flat was a problem and made it difficult to get a food hygiene rating and insurance.

Then he found The Silver Building – Projekt’s first foray into Royal Docks. Opened in 2017, it saw the former Carlsberg Tetley HQ temporarily reimagined as a series of creative workspaces and now houses the likes of fashion designer Craig Green, photography studio Silverspace and tailor Jake’s Of London.

Jon has added sweet pastries to his menu – image Matt Grayson

“The director was really interested in my idea, so I brought him some samples and he offered me a little shared kitchen space,” said Jon.

“I happily took it on and it took off from there.

“At first I was still delivering, but I soon realised my time could be better used to make more products and attract people in because that area has a lot of apartments.

“In a way, that beginning was the easy part because it was spontaneous and there wasn’t any pressure to make my living out of it.

“I made bread because it just tasted nice and felt good. Then it progressed naturally.

“That’s the whole sourdough thing – you let things grow naturally and then see how they go.”

A year later Projekt offered him a more permanent space at The Factory’s reception area next to the bar and cafe.

“That was amazing for me and for them because they have funding from the GLA, so need to have community value to what they do,” said Jon.

Since then he has hired an apprentice who works for him six hours a day, but it is still a hard slog with Jon working from 5am to 7pm.

He said: “It still feels tight with the things that need to be done, but that’s part of the game I guess.”

He sells his sourdough loaves for £5, croissants for £2.50 plain or £3.50 filled and other items such as Nutella pastries, rosemary twists and tomato and olive focaccia.

His real speciality is Hong Kong buns costing £1.70-£2.30, which he describes as “soft, fluffy and a little bit sweet with a sugar cookie crust.”

In order to make them, he has had to contend with the rising cost of electricity and ingredients, with the butter he uses almost doubling in price during the autumn.

He has also switched to a more expensive brand of flour to try and preserve the unique flavour of his bread.

Jon bakes his bread and pastries in Royal Docks – image Matt Grayson

Jon now buys from Wildfarmed – a network of farmers who produce flour while trying to protect the planet.

“I used to order organic flour from a major brand, but the flavour seemed to have become blander,” said Jon.

“What’s special about Wildfarmed is it has a regenerative ethos about how they work the land with minimal disturbance and no artificial fertiliser or pesticides.

“It costs more but, if you are making sourdough, it is worth it because it really affects the quality of the end product.”

He has fired up his oven again for the start of 2023 and is hoping after a difficult few months Breadmeister will continue to grow and prove to be the right choice.

“As a chef, I would work set hours for a set amount and then go to sleep and forget about it,” he said.

“But then you don’t get to question why you are doing this and that – even if you think you can do things better.

“With this, the money might not be as predictable and you might not have the choice of only working six hours a day – but with this risk I’ve taken, the satisfying thing is when people come to get your stuff instead of going somewhere more convenient.

“It makes me feel it’s worth it.”

Read more: Discover Bread And Macaroon at Wapping Docklands Market

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- Laura Enfield is a regular contributor to Wharf Life, writing about a wide range of subjects across Docklands and east London 
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