The Silverton

KB Aesthetics London offers beauty treatments on the Isle Of Dogs

Former NHS nurse and east Londoner Kelsey Bailey runs her medical-grader business in space on the southern edge of Canary Wharf

Kelsey Bailey, founder of KB Aesthetics London - image Jon Massey
Kelsey Bailey, founder of KB Aesthetics London – image Jon Massey

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Care and honesty sit at the heart of Kelsey Bailey’s business – something that should come as little surprise given her career.

Born and raised in Poplar, she spent nearly a decade and a half as an NHS nurse much of it on the Royal London Hospital’s Acute Assessment Unit ward in Whitechapel.

“AAU is chaotic,” she said. “It’s where patients go while we figure out what we’re going to do with them – where they will be sent for further treatment.

“It’s a stressful environment and staff often don’t last long there, but I loved it. I was there for nine years.

“I had two kids during that time and it got to the point where I needed to start thinking about what I was going to do because of the long hours and the shift patterns. 

“I moved into practice nursing in 2019 at Aberfeldy Village and went from being on my feet all day to sitting in an office.

“That felt more like organised chaos, but I had this feeling the whole time that I wanted to do something.”

KB Aesthetics London started as a side hustle in 2022, with Kelsey offering medical grade beauty treatments in rooms rented through other salons. 

“It was all word-of-mouth, but I could feel the momentum,” she said.

“My husband, Ricky, could see I had some energy built up inside me that I needed to get out – I really wanted to try something. 

“I knew it would be a risk and it took about six months to make the decision to leave nursing. What if it didn’t work?

“I wouldn’t have that security blanket any more. I felt conflicted, but I needed to take the risk – if I didn’t try, I’d never know.”

Kelsey's clinic offers a full range of services from premises on South Quay - image KB Aesthetics London
Kelsey’s clinic offers a full range of services from premises on South Quay – image KB Aesthetics London

taking KB Aesthetics London to the next level

Kelsey took the plunge and built her dream – a facility with multiple treatment rooms on South Quay, just over the dock from Canary Wharf.

With help from Ricky, it’s a space she’s filled with soft brushed gold, warm whites and neutral tones, drawing on her passion for design and, of course, aesthetics.

“I wanted a calm environment – coming to a clinic like this can be nerve-racking and I just wanted everything to be chilled,” said Kelsey, who lives on the Isle Of Dogs. 

“I’m very relaxed in my approach and I wanted everyone to be comfortable so they are happy telling me the truth about themselves rather than telling me what they think I want to hear.

“I’ve always liked looking after people. For every single person who comes through the door, we do a free consultation, which includes a skin scan. 

“It may be that their skin is actually really good and they just need some retinal rather than Botox. We always talk about a journey.

“It’s important not to pay too much attention to one thing.

“For example, a woman in her 30s might see a line and focus entirely on that.

“But if she treats her skin as a whole with a really solid regime, the individual line might well not bother her any more.

“It’s about setting the bar lower in terms of what and how much you want to do.

“The trick with having aesthetic treatments is a light touch, which is a skill in itself. If someone has had Botox, they shouldn’t look as though they have.

“People should just be saying that they look well. 

“I want people to understand that it’s not scary when you age.

“You might look in the mirror and see things that start to bother you, but it’s all right. It’s not about just getting loads of fillers.

“You can’t stop ageing, but there are things we can to do to make you feel better about yourself and those don’t have to cost a fortune and they don’t need to be invasive. 

“Sometimes, if someone has a good skincare regime, all they need is the reassurance to carry on doing what they’re doing and some advice.

“Wherever possible, the natural side is the way to go.

“Our approach is holistic. I’ve known a lot of my clients for a long time.

“We’re really trying to do something different in the industry.”

Kelsey and husband Ricky have worked together to decorate the space
Kelsey and husband Ricky have worked together to decorate the space

forging a team

Joining Kelsey on that mission are Louise Mitchell, R-Marni Aguilar and Trudi Gibson who bring a wealth of experience to the clinic.

Having grown the business largely through word-of-mouth, the plan is now to make a bigger splash and build on that solid foundation. 

“It’s really down to my clients that I’ve come this far,” said Kelsey. “They’re the ones who helped give me the confidence to take that risk. 

“Since we’ve put up our signs, people now know we’re here and it feels great. I’ve trained the other three on the team and we’ve really grown together.

“Before this I’d never owned a business – I’m a nurse – and starting a company on your own as a woman can be difficult. 

“I wanted to do it with people who get me and that’s made it enjoyable for all of us.

“That connection means we all put more in for each other.

“As a business, we’re a bit more relaxed and that’s good for the team and clients.

“People often say it’s like a spa when they come here, which it is, but it’s built on a strong medical foundation.

“The aesthetics industry is not regulated at the moment and I always make sure people know about our medical training and the standards we set.

“Our approach is about keeping people safe – we always start with the client. 

“First of all, my advice is to not spend money on things that aren’t bothering you.

“It would be wrong for me to find stuff you should be bothered about – it should never be about what I think a person needs.

“Often, following a good skincare routine will yield the best results. 

“There may then come a day when you need something sorted out and then we can look at treatments and options. Then it’s about your needs. 

“It’s important to keep up with what’s happening in the industry.

Kelsey wanted to create a calm, welcoming environment for her clients
Kelsey wanted to create a calm, welcoming environment for her clients

“We’re not a clinic that’s machine-led – in this business it’s definitely possible to get too much stuff.

“I currently have one skincare machine – the Sofwave – which I’ve been working with for a couple of years and is non-invasive.

“I regularly attend conferences to see what’s out there and listen to the evidence and the claims.

“But for me it’s equally important to talk to people in the industry to find out what they actually do in practice.

“My clients are real people with busy lives. They don’t want there to be down time after they come for an appointment.”

Kelsey said running her own business full-time had been an opportunity for personal growth, alongside professional expansion.

“It’s been life-changing,” she said. “I never thought I’d have my own business and it’s an emotional roller-coaster.

“You have to have stamina, but I love it.

“I remember going to Canary Wharf as a kid – it’s so different now – but I really feel a part of it now and I almost can’t believe that. 

“With all my family here and having grown up in the area, I feel like I’m getting the best of both worlds.”   

key details: KB Aesthetics London

KB Aesthetics is located at Parker House in Admirals Way on South Quay at the top of the Isle Of Dogs.

The clinic’s full range of services is available online.

For more information, visit the company’s website or email

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